Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It was about the second week into the CBS internship and I was asked if I would like to accompany Nancy Eichenbaum (head Photo Editor) and another Photo Ed
itor to the photo shoot for "A Gifted Man". It was the first shoot for this new series. The purpose of this shoot was for future promos that will advertise the show. The moment I got there I felt like a kid ina candy store, eyes wide open with my mouth just as wide. I was just completely impressed. The set up for the shoot was very extensive. There were about three different set ups in which the photographer would use to shoot the talent. It was a loft covered with white walls that seemed completely pristine it was like the doctors office a little bit but a doctors office I really enjoyed being in. I walked around, carefully, making sure i didn't trip over wires or bump into people. Nonetheless, I was definitely taking everything in, how the lighting was set up, how many people it takes to set up a shoot, and what camera equipment the photographer was using. If I remember correctlythe photographer used a couple strobes, soft boxes, and reflectors, simple stuff... but not really. For the camera itself ... well no big deal... and when I say that I that I mean it was a pretty big deal. This camera is a Phase One, with a digital back it can go for $40,000 + it may seem small .. but it packs a lotta punch.

An hour goes by and I'm still looking at everything like its my
first time staring at it seconds later.. in walks the talent. By talent I mean Patrick Wilson, a dashing gentleman, and Jennifer Ehle, a total sweetheart.
At the time I kind of got starstruck, but then I got myself together and realized where I was and how I should be,
c o m p l e t e l y
p r o f e s s i o n a l.
Patrick Wilson was first up to be shot. First he went into make up and wardrobe. Once he was done he got in front of the camera with instructions being thrown at him from the photographer, Andrew Eccles.

There were specialist that came up with the concepts.. like how they should pose and what type of facial expressions they should enforce that makes their characters emerge through the pictures. I believe with the right directions/suggestions given by the specialist to the photographer the pictures came out just right, they truly embodied their characters. This first photo shoot experience I learned how to interact with people at a professional level, be attentive to everyone and enjoy whats going on around you.

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