Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The last day and what I learned

My first day at CBS was June 6, 2011 and my last day was August 16, 2011. The couple months that I spent at the network in the Photography/Media Department was something that I will look upon as a guide for my future internships, jobs and life itself.

Emerging Leaders has given me the opportunity to work in an environment that will prepare me not only in the future but prepare me for the upcoming semesters. The things I will remember most are:

+ Being on time is l a t e, but being early is on t i m e.

+ S.m.i.l.e. =D

+ Listen. Listen. LISTEN.

+ Be proactive, step up to the plate .. take charge!!

+ Network!

+ Most importantly: Be YOURSELF & Genuine.

CBS was amazing. Throughout the minutes, hours, days, weeks I spent in that office.. whether it was unbearably cold or stocked with sweet tooth treats I see it as a place where a group of professionals look at one another with a high level of respect, sincerity and trust. Just as they did to each other they looked at me the same way, they trusted me to edit photos, accompany photographers on shoots, and have a good eye for picture selects. For the couple months I felt as if I were a part of the team. I thanked them each individually for the impact they have all had educationally and personally. They taught me the in's and out's of the business and I am completely grateful for everything. I hope in the near future to go back and visit, maybe even try out again for an internship. But nonetheless I am quite please with my first encounter of the real world, even if it was just for a little bit.

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