My Fellowship internship ended on Thursday, but I had the opportunity to help out with a special event today, so I figured I'd add it to the blog. Today the Bride welcomed comedian and vocal artist, Sandra Bernhard on her "I love being me, don't you?" tour.
The Painted Bride is known for bringing in local artists, so this show was a big undertaking. I helped out with Front of House work before the show (ushering, handing out programs, taking tickets, etc.), then got to sneak in and see most of her act. She is a very funny lady: sarcastic humor with some crude but amusing jokes, and she certainly held the attention of her audience. Following the opening night was a hotel reception and signing, so just before the act ended, I went with Cheryl and two other interns to the hotel to prepare. When guests starting arriving, I met Paul, the photographer and followed him around, taking names of people who were photographed for proper credit. This was a great way for me to meet people who are involved with the Bride and a chance to network. Ms. Bernhard was very gracious to allow photos with fans, both for personal cameras and for publicity shots. When Paul was finished taking pictures, I got to hang out with the band for a little while, which was really fun.
The event seemed to be a great success for the Painted Bride and Sandra has five more shows to go on our stage!